Sunday, September 23, 2007

Bad Photos

So, we all enjoy taking the occasional photographs. Birthdays, Christmas, and all other special events abound, I'm going to make a bet that at least on one of these occasions you can be spotted at least once with a camera in your hands. Its inevitable.

Now, how often have you had to sit through your grandmother, aunt, or another friend's annotated 'slide-show' of their trip abroad or event they went to? Yeah, I figure that I'll get at least one or two eye rolls or an occasional groan at the mere thought.

Well for those of you who are often disappoitned your own bad photos. I'm going to let you in on a little secret.

We all take bad photos.

Any one who has seriously persued photography as a professional or even as an amateur can tell you that for every one good photo you take, there will be at least five times that ammount of bad photos; however, just to back up my statement I'll leave you with a quick snippet and link to an A.P. Photo Editor's blog:

"Yes it's true. Everyone. All the top editorial photographers take bad photos.

They just don't show it to me. Ever."

If your interested in the rest of his musings, take a look.

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